& coaching
With his atypical background and his unique vision of China - Europe - Africa relations, Maître Dominique Saatenang gives lectures and seminars on leadership and issues relating to economic and cultural exchanges between China and Africa in universities in Europe. , in Asia, in Africa or even in the USA, and he regularly participates in international forums. He is also an honorary professor at the University of Advanced Technical and Scientific Studies of Shandong.
References: Panthéon-Sorbonne University in Paris, University of Le Havre,
CNRS, House of Commons in London, Lithuanian Sports University,
China Africa Forum, Asean Forum...
Master Dominique Saatenang is the first African to have become a Shaolin monk. He speaks at conferences related to leadership, personal development, the Shaolin philosophy and business relations between China, Africa and Europe.
Its themes of intervention are:
Inspirational journey: Master Saatenang, the “African Bruce Lee”
Inspirational and comprehensive conference retracing Me Dominique Saatenang's overall life course, from her childhood to her greatest achievements, and punctuated at each stage with key lessons on leadership, success, wisdom, business, relationships between Asia, Africa and Europe. A lively presentation, both moving and instructive, illustrated with photos and explanatory diagrams, which will fascinate business leaders as well as students, and anyone in search of inspiration and development. The conference ends with a mini initiation to relaxation and stress management techniques borrowed from Qi Gong.
The Path of Leadership
Conference particularly dedicated to all those who must manage a team, an audience, or who simply need to gain confidence and influence for their professional projects and/or their personal life: business leaders, speakers, educators, parents, entrepreneurs … This presentation takes up elements of Master Saatenang's journey and emphasizes leadership and personal development. She gives tips for gaining influence, making your business or project flourish, inspiring others, gaining self-control and confidence. The conference ends with a mini initiation to meditation and stress management techniques borrowed from Qi Gong.
Sport: the journey of a Champion
Conference dedicated to athletes from all backgrounds and disciplines, students and professionals, focused on the sporting career of Master Dominique Saatenang, from his childhood to today. He learns how to overcome the challenges, the moral and physical trials, and the doubts that punctuate the life of an athlete, and how to give the best of himself in order to succeed in the greatest challenges. He shares his secrets of physical, mental and spiritual preparation from Shaolin.
Business: China / Europe / Africa relations
Expert in tripartite relations between China, Europe and Africa, Maître Dominique Saatenang shares in this conference his unique and fascinating vision of the economic relations and psycho-cultural points of view of each continent, essential to understand in order to develop good business relationships. How can Europe be competitive with China? By what means can Africa impose itself economically? What are the keys to a successful business in today's world? With his atypical background and his vast experience at the heart of the culture of each continent, this conference sheds new light on the relations between China, Europe and Africa to all businessmen involved in these relations and their challenges.
The Shaolin philosophy
Official cultural ambassador of the Shaolin Temple, the first African in history to be admitted there, Master Dominique Saatenang introduces in this conference the philosophy of this emblematic Temple founded in the 5th century. A beautiful lesson in wisdom illustrated with real anecdotes experienced during his training at the Temple (which lasted five years), which teaches us to elevate ourselves and restore meaning to our lives faced with today's challenges.
With an experience acquired in more than 33 years of practice of Wushu, Master Dominique Martin Saatenang works on a global approach of Coaching based on the physical, mental and spiritual preparation to face the stress generated by our societies.
His training is based on:
The physical preparation of the body
(warm-up, stretching, muscle strengthening, relaxation techniques)
mental preparation
(shaolin relaxation and stress relief technique)
spiritual preparation
(shaolin technique of meditation)
His training is likely to appeal to people of all ages and ranks, including senior officials of all ages and physical fitness levels. And especially in its gentle version, tai chi, which is based on sequences of slow and graceful movements associated with breathing techniques to restore the balance of Qi, allows you to relax, to effectively fight stress, to be healthier and refueled to prolong life experience.
Its version Qi Gong based on internal and external breathing techniques by the work of the breath leads both young and old, men and women, to the practice of this ancestral art. The search for a better physical, psychic and spiritual balance is undoubtedly what unites its practitioners among themselves.
Its effectiveness in overcoming stress and increase your inner power is no longer to be proven. Thus, the physical posture is improved because toned. Blood circulation is stimulated. Finally, the resistance of internal organs to multiple microbiological attacks is increased.
A regular guest at International Forums, Dominique Saatenang gives conferences and seminars all over the world. In 2017, he published “Open your hand and you will own the world” published by Robert Laffont , a book hailed by critics.